Our pork cuts
Shoulder is the top portion of the front leg of the animal. It is a well-marbled cut, and is fantastic both slow cooked or roasted on the bone. Shoulder can also be minced, or diced for stewing.
Rib chop
Rib chops from a pig are cut from the back of the pig, and have a flavourful layer of fat around the outside. They’re best cooked with a fast, dry heat method, such as under the grill or on a braai.Fillet
The fillet – or tenderloin as its sometimes called – is one long, thin muscle. It’s a very lean cut of meat, so needs to be cooked quickly to avoid getting too dry. It’s normally cooked whole, although it can be cut into medallions and pan fried.
Loin chop
Loin chops are a leaner cut of chop – but that doesn’t mean they’re any less delicious. They are ideal for pan roasting and grilling, and are also delicious when braaied.
Chump chop
Pork chump chops are the “rump” of pork and are packed full of flavour. They have a great texture, making them perfect for hot, dry cooking over the braai.
The leg is a large, impressive joint, which is usually roasted whole. It can, however, also be deboned and cut into smaller cuts for quicker roasting.
Pork belly is a succulent, juicy extension of the ribs, which runs under the pig and surrounds the stomach. It is one long cut of meat, which has plenty of fat marbled throughout. It can be roasted or slowly braised, or turned into bacon or pancetta.